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Original articles in journals


Osterwalder B, Wilder-Smith CH, Schimke J, Senn HJ. Antiemetic combination of metoclopramide, cinnarizine and lorazepam for patients with cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy. Proceedings of ASCO 1988;7:A1157
Wilder-Smith CH, Ernst T, Genonni M, Zeyen B, Varga L, Röhmel J, Halter F, Merki HS. Differentiation of cephalic and gastric secretion phases during H2-antagonist treatment. Gut 1989;30:A724
Wilder-Smith CH, Gennoni M, Ernst T, Zeyen B, Röhmel J, Walt RP, Halter F, Merki HS. Nizatidine by pH-controlled infusion pump: is a priming dose advisable? Gastroenterology 1989;96:A545
Merki HS, Witzel L, Krammisch H, Wilder-Smith CH, Halter F, Walt RP, Röhmel J, Kempf M. There is no difference in intragastric acidity between duodenal ulcer patients with active disease or in remission and matched healthy controls. Gastroenterology 1989;96:A341
Merki HS, Ernst T, Zeyen B, Gennoni M, Wilder-Smith CH, Röhmel J, Walt RP, Hunt R, Halter F. Individualized intragastric pH-control using a computerized feedback infusion pump. Gastroenterology 1989;96:A341
Wilder-Smith CH, Naji P, Farschtschian M, Wilder-Smith O. Reduction of side-effects of epidural morphine with epidural droperidol. Pain 1990;Suppl 5:S151
Wilder-Smith CH, Krech T, Merki H. Intragastric acidity and bacterial growth. Gastroenterology 1990;98:A479
Wilder-Smith CH, Ernst T, Gennoni M, Zeyen B, Halter F, Merki H. Tolerance to oral H2-receptor antagonists. Gastroenterology 1990;98:A148
Merki HS, Wilder-Smith CH, Walt RP, Hunt R, Halter F. Differential circadian effects and development of tolerance to an H2-receptor antagonist. Gastroenterology 1990;98:A88
Wilder-Smith CH, Halter F, Merki HS. Tolerance and rebound hyperacidity in DU patients. Gut 1990;31:A600
Kaufmann D, Wilder-Smith CH, Halter F, Merki HS. Smoking does not affect intragastric acidity. Gut 1990;31:A600
Wilder-Smith CH, Halter F, Merki HS. Gastrin secretion in the cephalic secretory phase. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1990;2 (Suppl 1):S132
Wilder-Smith OH, Wilder-Smith CH, Farschtschian M, Naji P. Epidural droperidol does not cause hypotension while reducing side-effects of epidural morphine. Regional Anesthesia 1991;34:124
Wilder-Smith CH, Schimke J, Osterwalder B, Schuler L, Senn HJ. Patient-controlled antiemesis for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Third International Consensus on Supportive Care in Oncology 1990:J47
Wilder-Smith CH, Schimke J, Osterwalder B, Senn HJ. Oral antiemetic prophylaxis of platin chemotherpy-induced nausea and vomiting with cinnarizine. Third International Consensus on Supportive Care in Oncology 1990:J48
Wilder-Smith CH, Merki HS. When to dose: studies with SKF-94482, along-acting H2-receptor antagonist. World Congresses of Gastroenterology 1990;PP4C
Schmid L, Jeschko M, Wilder-Smith C, Schafroth U, Thürlimann B, Pedrazzini A, Senn HJ. Ceftriaxone und Amikacin versus Ceftazidime und Amikacin bei febriler Granulocytopenie. Schw Med Wschr 1990;120(suppl 32):P3
Merki HS, Wilder-Smith CH, Groß J. Safety aspects of intraluminal pH-and pressure transducers. Z Gastroenterol 1990;28:585-586
Merki HS, Meyer B and the Helicobacter Study Group. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in asymptomatic subjects: does positive serology reflect active infection? Gastroenterology 1991;100:A124
Wilder-Smith CH, Halter F, Merki HS. Gastric pH-control with i.v. H2-antagonist: fixed-dose vs pH-feedback controlled ranitidine infusion in healthy volunteers. Gastroenterology 1991;100:A185
Wilder-Smith CH, Spirig C, Krech T, Halter F, Merki HS. Do proteases exert a bactericidal effect in gastric juice? Gastroenterology 1991;100:A626
Emde C, Wilder-Smith CH, Armstrong D, Scheurer U, Blum AL, Merki HS. What is the advantage of 4-channel over 2-channel ambulatory esophageal manometry? A prospective evaluation in healthy volunteers. Gastroenterology 1991;100:A59
Wilder-Smith CH, Naji P, Wilder-Smith OHG. Is more better? dose-response effects with morphine in healthy volunteers. Scand J Anesth 1991;35(suppl 96):P48
Wilder-Smith OHG, Kolletzki M, Wilder-Smith CH. Propofol and thiopentone exhibit dose-dependent effects on heat pain thresholds in subanaesthetic doses. Scand J Anaesth 1991;35(suppl 96):P47
Wilder-Smith CH, Schimke J, Wilder-Smith OH, Borner M, Senn HJ. Is a weak opioid useful in cancer pain treatment? Eur J Cancer 1991;27(suppl 2):1738
Merki HS, Meyer-Wyss B, Mazzucchelli L, Wilder-Smith CH, Ruchti C, Renner E, Beglinger C. Prevalence of macroscopic lesions in the upper GI-tract and histologic gastritis in symptomatic people. Gastroenterology 1992;A21
Mazzucchelli L, Ruchti C, Beglinger B, Wilder-Smith CH, Renner E, Meyer-Wyss B, Merki HS. Histological gastritis of the antrum mucosa in 175 asymptomatic, healthy individuals. Gastroenterology 1992;A122
Wilder-Smith CH, Bettschen HU. Halter F, Merki HS. Is more better? Individual dose-responses with H2-antagonists. Gastroenterology 1992;A188
Wilder-Smith CH, Meier-Ruge W, Scheurer U, Merki HS. Colonic neuronal dysplasia as a cause of chronic severe constipation in adults. Gastroenterology 1992;A585
Borgeat A, Wilder-Smith OH, Wilder-Smith CH. Pruritus associated with cholestatic liver disease is relieved by subhypnotic doses of propofol. Gastroenterology 1992;A785
Mazzucchelli L, Ruchti C, Beglinger C, Wilder-Smith CH, Meyer-Wyss B, Merki HS. Gastrospirillum hominis in asymptomatic, healthy volunteers. Gastroenterology 1992;A662
Wilder-Smith CH, Wilder-Smith OH, Farschtschian M, Naji P. Pain thresholds during postoperative analgesia with epidural droperidol and sufentanil. Anesthesiology 1992;77(suppl):A826
Naji P, Farschtschian M, Wilder-Smith OH, Wilder-Smith CH. Epidural droperidol with epidural sufentanil for postoperative pain. Anesthesiology 1992;77(suppl):A860
Wilder-Smith CH, Schimke J, Bettiga A. Circadian pain responses with tramadol, a short-acting opioid and alpha-adrenergic agonist, and morphine in cancer pain. Chronopharmacology 1992;(suppl1)
Wilder-Smith CH, Wilder-Smith OH. Diurnal patterns of pain in cancer patients during treatment with long-acting opioid analgesics. Chronopharmacology 1992;(suppl1)
Wilder-Smith CH, Merki HS. Diurnal patterns in gastric acidity due to food ingestion: interaction with H2-antagonists. Chronopharmacology 1992;(suppl1)
Merki HS, Wilder-Smith CH. Chronopharmacodynamic patterns during dosing with ranitidine. Chronopharmacology 1992;(suppl1)
Wilder-Smith CH, Gwerder C, Hürlimann S, Merki HS. Dosing requirements during omeprazole infusions diminish with time: individually titrated and constant infusions of omeprazole over 48h. Gastroenterology 1993;104(suppl):A223
Wilder-Smith CH, Merki HS. Antisecretory effects during prolonged intravenous infusions of omeprazole and ranitidine. Gastroenterology 1993;104(suppl):A224
Wilder-Smith CH, Halter F, Merki HS. Initial group and individual dose-responses to omeprazole infusions. Gastroenterology 1993;104(suppl):A224
Wilder-Smith CH, Smith JTL, Bettschen HU, Lettis S, Merki HS. Cytoprotective effect of ranitidine bismuth citrate against aspirin-induced upper GI tract mucosal damage. Gastroenterology 1993;104(suppl):A224
Borgeat A, Wilder-Smith OH, Forni M, Wilder-Smith CH. Propofol improves antiemetic control during cytotoxic chemotherapy in non-responders to 5HT3-antagonists. Supportive Care in Cancer 1993(supplement1)
Wilder-Smith CH, Scheurer U, Hürlimann S, Schmassmann A, Groß J, Halter F, Merki HS. Segmental colonic motility with and without cisapride under fed and fasting conditions. GUT 1993;34(suppl):OXI/1 356
Naji P, Farschtschian M, Wilder-Smith OHG, Wilder-Smith CH. Preoperative epidural tramadol, a mixed opioid and monoaminergic agonist for perioperative analgesia and antinociception. Reg Anesth 1993;18(suppl):9
Wilder-Smith CH. Bactericidal effect of sucralfate. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1993;5:397 (letter)
Naji P, Farschtschian M, Wilder-Smith OHG, Wilder-Smith CH. Tramadol for preemptive perioperative analgesia and antinociception. Pain 1993
Sweetland J, Smith JTL, Lettis S, Wilder-Smith CH, Merki HS. To determine the cytoprotective effect of repeat oral doses of GR63799X in the aspirin-challenge model of gastrointestinal damage. GUT 1993;34(suppl):)VII/11126
Wilder-Smith CH, Wilder-Smith OH, Farschtschian M, Naji P. Dose-response effects of perioperative epidural tramadol, a mixed opioid and monoaminergic agonist. Anesthesiology 1993
Wilder-Smith CH, Merki HS. Prolonged intravenous infusions of omeprazole and ranitidine for antisecretory control: increasing efficacy with omerpazole and tolerance to ranitidine. Anesthesiology 1993
Wilder-Smith OHG, Wilder-Smith CH. Ibuprofen counteracts the early hyperalgesic effect of morphine. Reg Anesth 1993
Wilder-Smith CH, Scheurer U, Hurlimann S, Schmassmann A, Gross J, Höflin F, Halter F, Merki HS.  Colonic motility and transit: segmental responses to food and cisapride. Gastroenterology 1994;106:A589
Wilder-Smith CH, Merki HS. Chronopharmacology of pH-control with continuous infusions of oemprazole and ranitidine. Chronopharmacology 1994
Wilder-Smith CH, Merki HS. Circadian dosing requirements and gastric pH-responses during continuous omeprazole infusions. Chronopharmacology 1994
Wilder-Smith CH. Pharmacodynamic endpoints with regard to the digestive tract: clinical usefulness. Inaugural Symposium Publication, University of Orange Free State , Bloemfontein 1995 (suppl1)
Wilder-Smith CH. Chronopharmaology of human gastric acidity. S African Pharm Soc 1995 (suppl)
Wilder-Smith CH, Bettiga A. The analgesic tramadol and GI motor function. S Afr Med J 1995 (suppl 1):4
Wilder-Smith CH. Viscerocutaneous nociception and anorectal motor function. Gastroenterology 1995;108:A709
Wilder-Smith CH, Cariem AK, Osler W, Radebold K, Bornman P, O'Keefe SJD. The effects of tramadol and morphine on GI transit and smooth muscle tone: part II: chronic pancreatitis patients with severe pain. Gastroenterology 1996;110:A780
Wilder-Smith CH, Hufschmid-Thurnherr E, Thormann W. The effect of dihydrocodeine on colorectal sensation, defaecatory urge and pain thresholds. Gastroenterology 1996;110:A780
Wilder-Smith CH, Bettiga A. Gastrointestinal transit and smooth muscle tone are not affected by the analgesic tramadol. Part I: healthy volunteers. Gastroenterology 1996;110:A780
Wilder-Smith CH, Hufschmid-Thurnherr E, Thormann W. The contribution of morphine metabolites to somatic and visceral analgesic effects of dihydrocodeine is insignificant. Part 1: single dose study. Pain, 1996 (World Congress Suppl):A:216
Wilder-Smith CH, Bettiga A. Tramadol and gastrointestinal motor function. Pain, 1996 (World Congress Suppl):A:217
Wilder-Smith CH, Osler W, Bornman P. Characteristics and effective treatment of severe pain from chronic pancreatitis. Gastroenterology 1997;112:A495
Wilder-Smith CH, Knöpfli R, Wilder-Smith OHG. Perioperative infusions of magnesium and postoperative pain. Anesthesiology 1997;suppl. A800
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill L, Denny L. The effect of hysterectomies on bowel symptoms and function. Gastroenterology 1998;114:A860
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill L, Denny L. Do hysterectomies affect gastrointestinal motility and visceral nociception? Gastroenterology 1998;114:A861
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill LT, Denny L. The influence of abdominal surgery and analgesics on postoperative gastrointestinal motility, nociception and symptoms. Anesthesiology 1998;89:A1074
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill L, Denny L. Do hysterectomies have a long-term effect on gastrointestinal motility and visceral and somatic nociception? Dolor 1998; 13:29
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill L, Denny L. Hysterectomies and postoperative irritable bowel syndrome and bowel dysfunction. Dolor 1998; 13:30
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill LT, Denny L. The influence of abdominal surgery and analgesics on early postoperative gastrointestinal motility and nociception. Dolor 1998; 13:34
Wilder-Smith CH, Van Niekerk N, Scholtz H. How much is the action of different doses of proton pump inhibitors affected by time of dosing relative to food ingestion? Gastroenterology 1999;116:G1544
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill L, Michell L, Nielsen HJ. Ranitidine and immunomodulation in politraumatised patients. Gastroenterology 1999;116:G1545
Wilder-Smith CH, Grosjean P, Wagnieres G, Wilder-Smith P, Dorta G, Woodtli A, Zellweger M, Monnier P, van den Bergh H. Photoeradication of Helicobacter pylori in humans: a phase 1 study. Gastroenterology 1999;116:G1546
Wilder-Smith CH, Wilder-Smith P. Photosensitisation of Helicobacter pylori with 5-amino laevulinic acid. Gastroenterology 1999;116:G3764
Hill L, Wilder-Smith CH. GI tolerability of cheese fondue and the choice of prandial drink. Gastroenterology 1999;116:G4364
Wilder-Smith CH, Wilkins J. CYP2D6 Metaboliser status and postoperative analgesia with tramadol. Anesthesiology (ASA) 1999;90:342
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill L, Denny L. Hysterectomies & functional abdominal symptoms: 1 year follow-up. Gastroenterology 1999;116:G4784
Wilder-Smith CH, Talbot I, Meier-Ruge W. Definition of normal morphometric neurohistology of the rectum. Gastroenterology 1999;116:G4783
Wilder-Smith CH. Response of different components of pain from chronic pancreatitis to analgesics. Intern Assoc S Pain (IASP) 1999;106
Wilder-Smith C, Röhss K, Claar-Nilsson C, Rydholm H. Esomeprazole 40 mg provides more effective acid control than rabeprazole 20 mg. Gut 2000;47(Suppl 3):A63, Abstract P.51
Wilder-Smith CH, Wilder-Smith PEEB. Photoeradication of gastric Helicobacter pylori (HP) using 5-ALA: preliminary human in vivo studies. Lasers Surg Med 2000;26 (suppl 12):86. Abstract 321
Wilder-Smith C, Röhss K, Claar-Nilsson C, Rydholm H. Esomeprazole 20 mg provides more effective acid control than lansoprazole 15 mg. Gut 2000;47(Suppl 3):A62, Abstract P.49
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill LT. Pain and nociception during treatment of pain from chronic pancreatitis with tramadol. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2000, Lecture 316.3
Wilder-Smith C, Röhss K, Lundin C, Rydholm H. Esomeprazole 40 mg provides more effective acid control than pantoprazole 40 mg. Gastroenterology 2000;118:A22-23, Abstract 352
Wilder-Smith CH. Comparison of stimulation methods for anorectal sensation and nociception testing. Gastroenterology 2000;118:A845. Abstract 4434
Wilder-Smith C, Claar Nilsson C, Hasselgren G, Rohss K. Esomeprazole 40 mg provides faster and more effective acid control than rabeprazole 20 mg in patients with symptoms of GERD. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001;96(9)(Suppl S):S45, Abstract 137
Wilder-Smith CH, Rohss K, Claar Nilsson C. Esomeprazole 20 mg provides more effective acid control than lansoprazole 15 mg. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001;96(9)(Suppl S):S44-5, Abstract 136
Wilder-Smith CH, Schindler D. Self-titration of rapid rectal distension thresholds before and after repeated rectal inflations in IBS patients and healthy controls. Gastroenterology 2001;120: A754. Abstract 4051
Wilder-Smith CH, Nirkko A, Loevblad K. fMRI during descending modulation of painful rectal distension in IBS and controls. Gastroenterology 2001;120:A712. Abstract 3837
Röhss K, Wilder-Smith C, Claar Nilsson C, Hasselgren G. Esomeprazole 40 mg provides faster and more effective acid control than rabeprazole 20 mg following single and repeated oral administration in patients with GERD symptoms. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2001;36(Suppl 233):29
Röhss K, Wilder-Smith C, Claar-Nilsson C, Hasselgren G. Esomeprazole 40 mg provides more effective acid control than standard doses of all other proton pump inhibitors. Gastroenterology 2001; 120(5)Suppl 1:A419 Abstract 2140
Röhss K., Wilder-Smith C., Claar-Nilsson C., Hasselgren  G. Esomeprazole 40 mg o.m. provides faster and more effective acid control than rabeprazole 20 mg o.m. in patients with symptoms of GERD. Gut; Vol. 49 (Suppl III); November 2001; Abstract 1956
Wilder-Smith CH, Nirrko A, Loevblad K. Modulation of rectal pain by heterotopic noxious stimulation: a brain fMRI study in irritable bowel (IBS) and control subjects. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2001, Lecture 576.7
Röhss K., Wilder-Smith C., Claar-Nilsson C., Hasselgren G., Lind T. Esomeprazole 40 mg provides more effective acid control than standard doses of all other proton pump inhibitors. Gut; Vol. 49 (Suppl III); November 2001; Abstract 2649
Wilder-Smith CH, Swaisland H, Laight A, Farebrother J, Smith R, Green N. The effect of food and gastric pH on the bioavailability of ZD1839 (Iressa): a phase 1 pharmacokinetic study. AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics
Wilder-Smith C, Röhss KM, Claar-Nilsson C, Lundin C. Esomeprazole 40mg provides faster and more effective acid control than lansoprazole 30mg in patients with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Gastroenterology 2002;122(4)(Suppl 1):Abstract S1293
Wilder-Smith CH, Claar-Nilsson C, Hasselgren G, Röhss K. Esomeprazole 40 mg provides faster and more effective acid control than rabeprazole 20 mg in patients with symptoms of GERD  Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2002) 17 (Suppl.) A612 Abstract: P.A.065
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill L. Do patients with functional bowel syndromes demonstrate hypersensitivity during visceral surgery? Gastroenterology 2002;122 (suppl):A506. Abstract T1693
Röhss K, Wilder-Smith CH, Claar-Nilsson C, Lundin C, Hasselgren G. Esomeprazole 40mg provides more effective acid control than standard doses of all other proton pump inhibitors. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2002) 17 (Suppl.) A228 Abstract: P.A.090
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill LT, Laurent S. Phantom limb pain: a randomised trial of tramadol, amitryptiline and placebo. South African Gastroenterology Society SAGES, ASSA, VASSA Meeting 2002:324
Wilder-Smith CH, Röhss K, Claar-Nilsson C. Esomeprazole 20 mg provides more effective acid control than lansoprazole 15 mg Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2002) 17 (Suppl.) A613 Abstract: P.A.066
Wilder-Smith CH, Röss K, Lundin C, Rydholm H. Esomeprazole 40 mg provides more effective acid control than pantoprazole 40 mg  Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2002) 17 (Suppl.) A784 Abstract: P.A.067
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill LT, Laurent S. Modulation of pain thresholds and pain after limb amputation by amitryptiline, tramadol and placebo. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2002;Lecture 281.9
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill LT, Laurent S. Phantom limb pain: a randomized trial of tramadol, amitryptiline and placebo. International Association for the Study of Pain, 10th World Congress, San Diego , 2002:1304-P220
Wilder-Smith CH, Schindler D, Claar-Nilsson C, Lundin C, Rohss K.  Is switching between proton pump inhibitors (ppi's) reasonable? An intraindivdual analysis of cross-sensitivity to ppi's. Gut 2002; 51 (Suppl III): A170
Wilder-Smith C, Röhss KM, Bondarov P, Lundin CB, Nilsson-Pieschl C. Esomeprazole 40 mg administered intravenously (IV) as a 3-min injection or 30-min infusion provides the same effective acid control in healthy subjects. Gastroenterology 2003; 124(4, suppl 1): A233
Wilder-Smith C, Lind T, Lundin C, Nilsson-Pieschl C, Röhss KM, Nauclèr E. Comparison of esomeprazole (20, 40, 80 mg) versus lansoprazole (15, 30, 60 mg) on intragastric pH in healthy subjects. Gastroenterology 2003; 124(4, suppl 1): A444
Wilder-Smith C,. Röhss KM,. Bondarov P, Lundin CB, Nilsson-Pieschl C, Nyman L. Esomeprazole 40 mg administered as a 30-minute intravenous infusion provides the same effective acid control as oral administration in healthy subjects. Gastroenterology 2003; 124(4, suppl 1): A231.
Katz PO , Miner, Jr. P, Wilder-Smith CH, Chen Y, Sostek MB. Rationale for switching proton pump inhibitor therapy: an intraindividual analysis of gastric acid suppression following treatment with different PPIs. Gastroenterology 2003; 124(4, suppl 1):A226
Wilder-Smith CH. Schindler D, Marincek M, Wilder-Smith P, Lussi A. Atypical gastroesophageal reflux in patients presenting with dental erosions. Gastroenterology 2003;124(suppl 1):A545. Abs T1670
Wilder-Smith CH, Hill L. IBS patients with constipation and diarrhea differ in their discrimination of and sensitivity to visceral sensory stimulation. Gastroenterology 2003;124(suppl 1):A392. Abs M1660
Wilder-Smith CH. Preoperative quantitative sensory testing (QST) correlates with postoperative sensory changes. Society for Neurosciences 2003; lecture 238.6, New Orleans , USA
Wilder-Smith C, Nilsson-Pieschl C, Lundgren M, Ahlbom H, Röhss K. Esomeprazole 20 mg administered as a 30-min infusion provides the a similar level of acid control as oral administration in healthy subjects. GUT 2003;52(suppl VI): A125
Wilder-Smith CH, Bondarov P, Hällerbeck B, Nilsson-Pieschl C, Ahlbom H, Röhss K. Esomeprazole 40mg i.v provides faster and more effective acid control than Pantoprazole 40mg i.v. after first dose and 5 days. GUT 2003;52(suppl VI):A129
Wilder-Smith CH. A comparison of distension techniques for the assessment of rectal hypersensitivity in IBS patients with diarrhoea and constipation. GUT 2003;52(suppl VI):A32
Wilder-Smith CH. Different sensory defects in IBS patients with diarrhoea and constipation. GUT 2003;52(suppl VI):A90
Nirkko AC, Lovblad KO, Wilder-Smith C. Inter-individual differences in pain processing. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2004;Abs 2636.1033001
Wilder-Smith CH, Röhss K, Bondarov P, Lundgren M, Ahlbom H, Lunden C, Nilsson-Pieschl, C. Esomeprazole 20mg and 40mg provide consistent acid control regardless of mode of administration. EAHP 2004;abstract
Wilder-Smith CH, Schindler D. Abnormal supraspinal descending modulation of visceral pain in IBS patients with constipation and diarrhoea. Gut 2004; 53 (Suppl VI) A66
Wilder-Smith CH, Schindler D, Wilson M, Meister F, Wilder-Smith P. Autofluorescence and 5-ALA-induced fluorescence of Helicobacter pylori in human gastric tissue for non-invasive in vivo diagnostics. Gut 2004; 53 (Suppl VI) A297
Wilder-Smith CH, Robert J , Schindler D. Upper GI tract mucosal injury by AZD3582, a COX-inhibiting nitric oxide donor (CINOD), and naproxen: a randomised, double-blind, crossover study in healthy subjects. Gut 2004; 53 (Suppl VI) A36
Rohss K, Bondarov P, Hallerback B, Nilsson-Pieschl C, Wilder-Smith C, Ahlbom H. Esomeprazole 40 mg intravenously (I.V.) provides a more pronounced reduction in intragastric acidity than pantoprazole 40 mg I.V Gut 2004; 53 (Suppl VI) A104
Wilder-Smith CH. Which rapid distension paradigm discriminates best between IBS patients with diarrhea, constipation and healthy controls? Gastroenterology 2004;126(suppl 2):A370
Wilder-Smith CH, Schindler D, Rohss K. The influence of cytochrome P450 2C19 metabolizer genotype on the antisecretory effects of esomeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole and rabeprazole. Gastroenterology 2004;126(suppl 2):A338
Wilder-Smith CH. Sensory defects in clinical subgroups of IBS patients. Gastroenterology 2004;126(suppl 2):A380
Wilder-Smith CH, Schindler D, Wilson M, Meister F, Wilder-Smith P. Autofluorescence and 5-ALA-induced fluorescence of Helicobacter pylori in human gastric tissue for non-invasive in vivo diagnostics. Gastroenterology 2004;126(suppl 2):A185
Wilder-Smith CH, Schindler D. Abnormal supraspinal descending modulation of visceral pain in IBS patients with constipation and diarrhea. Gastroenterology 2004;126(suppl 2):A591
Wilder-Smith CH. Non-analgesic actions of opioids. Lausanne Pain Symposium Abstract Vol 2004;A6
Rodger Gray, Marie Wilson, Petra Wilder-Smith, Friedrich Meister, Kathy Osann, Clive Wilder-Smith. Fluorescence of Helicobacter pylori infected human gastric mucosa for non-invasive in vivo diagnostics. Lasers in Surg and Med 2005 (17):280
Clive H Wilder-Smith, Marie J. Hammer-Wilson, Rodger M. Gray, Kathy Osann, Petra Wilder-Smith. Comparison of autofluorescence and 5-ALA-induced fluorescence of Helicobacter pylori in human gastric tissue for non-invasive in vivo diagnostics. Gastroenterology 2005;128(suppl 2):W948
C.H. Wilder-Smith, M.J. Hammer-Wilson, V. Nguyen, A. Le, K. Nguyen, J. Zhang, W. Jung, Z. Chen, P. Wilder-Smith. Detection Of GERD-Induced Dental Erosion and Demineralization Using Optical Coherence Tomography. Gastroenterology 2005;128(suppl 2):M1784
Petra Wilder-Smith, Clive Wilder-Smith, Marie J. Hammer-Wilson, Vi Nguyen, Ming Truong, Goldwyn Jequinto, Jun Zhang, Woong-Gyu Jung, Zhongping Chen .Non-Invasive Quantification Of Enamel Erosion And Demineralization. Lasers in Surg and Med 2005 (17)55.
C.H. Wilder-Smith, J. Yap-Robert. Somatic Hypersensitivity in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Gastroenterology 2005;128(suppl 2):M1492
G. Song, V. Venkatraman, K. Ho, M.W. Chee, K. Yeoh, C.H. Wilder-Smith. Anticipation and Endogenous Modulation Of Visceral Pain Assessed By Functional MRI (fmri) in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients (IBS) and Controls. Gastroenterology 2005;128(suppl 2):M1491
Clive H. Wilder-Smith, Lauren Hill, Dirk Krause, Sophie Laurent. Analgesic and antinociceptive effects of tramadol and acetaminophen combination (T-A) in treatment-naïve post-amputation limb pain. Pain 2005;(IASP supplement):679-P285
Wilder-Smith CH, Song GH, Ho Khek Y, Venatraman V, Yeoh KG, Chee M. Abnormal supraspinal descending modulation of visceral pain in IBS. Society for Neurosciences, 2005:Abs. 371.7
Wilder-Smith C, Hammer-Wilson M, Nguyen V, Le A, Nguyen K, Zhang J, Jung W, Chen Z, Wilder-Smith P. Detection of GERD-induced dental erosion and demineralization using optical coherence tomography. Gut 2005; 54 (Suppl VII): A112
Wilder-Smith C, Yap-Robert J. Endogenous inhibitory pain modulation and somatic hypersensitivity in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Gut 2005; 54 (Suppl VII): A25
V.T. Nguyen, M. Truong, G. Jequinto, A. Sarkissian, A. Le, J. Zhang, W.-G. Jung, C Wilder-Smith, Z. Chen, P. Wilder-Smith. Early Detection of Dental Caries Using Optical Coherence Tomography. IADR 05-0693, 2005
Wilder-Smith C, Venkatraman V, Ho K, Chee M, Yeoh K. Anticipation and Endogenous Modulation Of Visceral Pain Assessed By Functional MRI (fmri) in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients (IBS) and Controls. GUT 2005; 54 (SUPPL VII) A4
Jun D, Nguyen V, Morcos J, Kim M, Lee K, Wilson M, Jung WG, Ahn YC, Chen Z, Wilder-Smith C, Wilder-Smith P. Detecting Demineralization of Teeth due to Gastric Acid Exposure. Lasers in Surg and Med 2006 (18) 301
Petra Wilder-Smith, Clive Wilder-Smith, Diana Messadi, Kathryn Osann, J.C. Cheng, Shuguang Guo, Jun Zhang, Woon Gyu Jung, JungRae Chung. Non-Invasive Early Diagnosis Of Oral Malignancy: The Effectiveness Of Various Approaches. Annual meeting of the Fanconi Anemia Society, October 20, 2006
Wilder-Smith CH, Lind T, Lundin C, Svensson M, Nilsson-Pieschl C, Rohss K. Comparison of increasing esomeprazole and lansoprazole doses on day and night-time acid control in healthy subjects. GUT 2006;55 (Suppl V):A276
Wilder-Smith CH, Song G, Yeoh K, Ho K, Central sensitisation and abnormal endogenous pain modulation in IBS. GUT 2006;55 (Suppl V):A10
Hill L, Wilder-Smith CH. Experimental pain measures predict clinical pain responses to postamputation pain. Eur J Pain 2006;10 (Suppl S1):346
Song GH, Wilder-Smith CH, Venkatraman V, Ho KY, Chee M, Yeoh KG. Endogenous pain modulation and anticipation of visceral pain in Irritable Bowel Syndrome assessed by heterotopic stimulation and functional brain MRI. Eur J Pain 2006;10 (Suppl S1):504
Wilder-Smith CH, Song GH, Yeoh KG, Ho KY. Abnormal endogenous modulation of somatic pain in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Eur J Pain 2006;10 (Suppl S1):505
Wilder-Smith CH. Predicting clinical pain and pain responses to opioids. 3rd APSPC, Singapore September 1-3, 2006